What is EMDR?


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a powerful new non-drug, non- hypnosis psychotherapy method to find healing from a wide range of personal and emotional difficulties.

What is EMDR used for?

EMDR has been very successful in helping many thousands of people who suffer from the following:

  • Trauma

  • Depression 

  • Relational problems

  • Abuse

  • Self Esteem issues

  • Episodic rage

  • Anxiety

  • Panic Attacks

  • Phobias

  • Chronic Pain

  • Disturbing memories

  • Addictions and substance abuse

  • Post traumatic stress and many other emotional problems

EMDR is specifically effective with children.

What does EMDR look like?

Initially your therapist will work with you to identify significant events from the past and/or present that need to be worked through.

During the treatment session, the therapist guides the client in concentrating on a troubling memory and its associated thoughts and emotions while moving the eyes rapidly back and forth (by following the therapists fingers ) or alternating taps , sound beeps or music). This rapid eye movement, which occurs naturally during dreaming, seems to speed the clients movement through the healing process. 

From time to time the therapist will stop the stimulation to ask about the clients current state to guide the process. Processing ends when, the client after repeated viewing of the image associated with the upsetting event is able to do so with an enhanced sense of wellbeing and the upsetting memory or emotion seems to have faded into the past.

What are some possible side effects to EMDR?

When completing trauma treatment there is a possibility that the clients symptoms become worse before they can get better.

What is expected of me in EMDR?

Most importantly there is an expectation for you to attend all sessions, it is also vital for parents/carers to support you doing this work.

You will be required to be open and honest with your therapist.

Contact Us Today

Take the first step towards positive change and reclaim your life with the support of compassionate therapist. Together, we can foster personal growth, nurture fulfilling relationships, and create a path of empowerment and resilience. 

We provide mental health assessments, autism assessments, and bespoke therapeutic programmes and group work for children, adolescents, adults and families/carers in various locations across Mid Wales.

Following your enquiry Dragonfly therapy will contact you and provide a referral form and a service price list. We will then arrange an initial assessment appointment via zoom where you will have the opportunity explore possible treatment options.

Please note: We have limited slots available. Book your session today to reserve your spot.

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